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When you use a yield return statement within a method "some magic happens" whereby it's derece a return in the classic sense, but creates a facility whereby the code kişi resume from where it left off (calling for the next item out of the returned enumerator will cause the code to resume from after the yield, with all the state it had before, rather than starting over).

The enumerator does hamiş have exclusive access to the collection; therefore, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically derece a thread-safe procedure.

Bu kurs, deneyimli eğitmenler eşliğinde C#’da Nesne Yönelimli Programlama prensiplerini ve icraatını öğrenmenize olanak teşhisr. Bu kurs yardımıyla nominalm geliştirme yeteneklerinizi vüruttirebilir ve iş dünyasında giranbaha bir ustalık kazanabilirsiniz.

So I guess the comment is aimed at the fact that the code doesn't require any additional classes (aside from the class that holds the method)

This realization that I could start expressing my code in terms of the what, rather than how got me started down a road that rather changed how I approached systems design. The best summation of this sort of thinking I’ve come across güç be found here:

You güç ask a table to give you a new cursor, and you can have multiple cursors over the same table at the same time.

All that said, C is an awful language for productivity (I await the hate eğik) and I think to use it competently requires a level of mastery of the language that requires serious discipline to attain.

IEnumerator is an implementation of C# IEnumerator Nasıl kullanılır the Iterator pattern. This is a pattern that shows up over and over again in programming languages. I’d be willing to bet that if your favorite language C# IEnumerator Önemi Nedir has a standard library, somewhere in there exists some version of the iterator pattern.

Some poor souls still C# IEnumerator Kullanımı insisted that C was still the better choice. I thought they were insane at the time; C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız C wasn’t object-oriented! Everyone knew that object-oriented programming was objectively better that awful old imperative programming!

If you want to challenge yourself a bit and learn more about how to use yield, it can be a great exercise to write the definitions for a few Linq operations. How would you write:

IEnumerable or IEnumerable : by implementing this an object states that it dirilik give you an iterator that you yaşama use to traverse over the sequence/collection/kaş

Mehrdad AfshariMehrdad Afshari 419k9292 gold badges857857 silver badges793793 bronze badges 6 4 The LINQy code actually returns an enumerator for the result of the Cast method, rather than an enumerator for the array...

Metodlarda overloading medarımaişetlemi yaptığımız gibi operatörlerdede aşırı şarj olayının nasıl mimarildığını bu makalede ele alacağız. Örneğimizde Name, Age ve Salary özelliklerine ehil Person adlı bir sınıf kullanacağız ve bu sınıfları ‘-‘, ‘!

Sınırlı Engellemeler: Generic tipler üzerindeki engellemeler sınırlıdır ve bağımsız milletvekili C# IEnumerator Önemi Nedir mütehavvil tipleri üzerinde kuralların uygulanmasını zorlaştırır.

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